About Us
GLOBAL WECARE FOUNDATIONGLOBAL WECARE FOUNDATION is a leading non-profit organization in Mumbai, Maharashtra addressing how the environment affects human health and beyond. We work to shape expedients policies that promote without medicine curing, human health and protect them and raise awareness on the benefits of environmental action for health.
Who We Are!
GWF is independent of any political party or commercial interest. The alliance receives funding from private foundations as well as through membership contributions. We do not accept funding from sources with commercial interests.
Our “Monisha’s Mantra” is a holistic wellness center where we help individuals not only reverse their acute and chronic health issues but also positively transform their lives. The only medicine we use is energy. Based on decades of research we have developed a holistic and unique integrated program without medicine.

What We do?
We are offering help to heal and transform lives, globally! In the last few decades there has been growing interest in alternative forms of therapy, and the world is looking at India advocating organic living, which includes preserving and promoting natural healing techniques.
At GWF, we have developed a unique holistic health and wellness program that has been transforming the physical and mental states of people and bringing positive changes in their lives of people.
Our treatment is an ongoing journey of self-discovery of being healthier and striving for a holistic healthy lifestyle and not just focusing on physical health. a customized healing program for you.
GWF intends to spread awareness of our body’s miraculous self-healing system and its immense power to every soul on this planet. We demonstrate how health policy action can protect health and enhance everyone’s quality of life. To make a genuine contribution in transforming this world into a better place to live in, by helping everyone realize the importance of healthy living.
The objectives of the trust include contributing and helping in the education and health of the needy and the underprivileged people and providing assistance in social service.
- To provide help and organize health awareness programs for helping society in building the basic infrastructure for prevention of illnesses and staying healthy.
- To empower women and children through the trust’s training sessions/programs by providing health (specialized natural skills) and nutrition education.
- To educate and drive campaigns in schools, colleges, social groups, remote places/villages, to create awareness about how to remain healthy in natural ways.
- To organize a specialized diabetes campaign for creating awareness about diabetes prevention, understanding the risk factors and their serious complication.
- To create awareness and organize sessions among the people regarding the self-healing power of our own bodies.
- To distribute free food to the needy and underprivileged people.
- To render help to the orphans and the old people seeking help and assistance.
- To build and maintain old age homes and orphanages to fulfill the purpose of the Trust.
- To build and maintain hospitals for the needy sections of society.
- To visit and contribute economically to the poverty struck people in the society.
- To help martyrs’ widows by providing them basic amenities and assistance as and when required.
- To plant trees and ensure a clean and green environment for the people and the society at large.
- To provide primary and secondary education to the poor children and coordinate with schools to render fees for the underprivileged children to obtain an education at schools.
- To provide medical assistance and free medical aid to the needy and underprivileged sections of society.
- To undertake activities for promoting Women’s Empowerment and employment for women.
- To undertake propaganda, training, and education of the masses either of its own or in cooperation with similar Agencies working for the cause of all-around development of the society.
- To alleviate poverty and establish centers for employment generation.
- To receive donations or other tangible help from the corporate as part of their CSR initiatives under the Companies Act, 2013, or from other societies, public/charitable trusts, Government bodies.
- To purchase/acquire immovable property, including land and/or buildings in the name of the Trust, for promoting “Equity and Excellence” with the right attitude and fulfillment of the aims and objectives of the Trust