Our Activities
India is globally emerging as the leader in lifestyle-related disorder – Diabetes. Over 65 million Indians are affected by Diabetes, with another 30 million in the pre-diabetes group, making it a serious health scare for all of us. As the incidence of diabetes is on the rise, doctors say, there is a proportionate rise in the complications that are associated with diabetes.
Our commitment is to spread awareness of the little-known fact that diabetes is reversible through our Diabetes Management Workshop. It is an Integrated Program providing complete guidance on:
- Understanding in detail the causes and complications of diabetes
- Understanding the relationship between food and diabetes
- Awareness and Prevention methodology for diabetes
- Appropriate exercises for maintaining blood sugar levels, healthier heart, and better weight control
We also have a Diabetes Awareness & Prevention Workshop Series that helps in:
- Controlling and preventing sugar levels fluctuations in Natural ways.
- Treating diabetic complications.
- Improvement in pancreatic function thereby reducing drug dependency.
- Detoxification of liver and kidneys.

Rural Workshops
Since 70% of the population in India resides in rural areas hence, they are the backbone of the country. We organize special workshops in rural areas to guide people to become their own health advocates using natural resources which are easily available to them.
Pain Management Workshop
Pain is not an illness in itself but the result of an underlying physical, emotional, or mental condition that adversely affects our moods, relationships, productivity at the workplace, etc. More than 120 million adults (20% of the world population) suffer from pain worldwide and 60 million (that is 1 in 10 adults) are newly diagnosed with chronic pain each year. Our Pain Management Workshop is an integrative program with an objective to:
- Help understand the different kinds of pains and their interpretation by the body
- Help us learn the hidden science, adverse beliefs, and attitude about pain.
- Teach basics of pain management treatment without medicines.

Nutritional Healing
Food is the fuel, the nourishment our body needs for its growth, development, repair, and maintenance. Our ancient culture has given us a Pandora box of nutritional healing for optimal wellness. The takeaway from our Nutritional Healing session are:
- An understanding of the role of nutrition for a healthy body and mind
- Knowledge of the superfoods for healthy skin and hair
- Healthy recipes based on the body disorders
- Ways & means of boosting our energy levels through nutritional diet
We also organize a complete detailed Nutritional Healing Workshop which includes awareness of different kinds of food (superfoods/processed/junk) and their energies, lifestyle-altering food habits, and side effects of wrong food habits. We also carry out water therapy and therapeutic treatments for hyperacidity, gas, chronic constipation, lifestyle-related disorders, etc.
Wellness of Woman
Our Wellness of Woman workshop presented by women for women is aimed at helping women celebrate womanhood with a difference and empowers them to:
- Understand and link the various physical, emotional, and mental symptoms to the different hormonal imbalances in female-specific anatomy
- Learn Blissful strategies for anti-aging
- Ways & means of boosting our energy levels through nutritional diet
- Learn simple, effective practices that support and enhance health, wellness, and youthful energy.
We also provide comprehensive training programs to deal with stress issues as well as hormonal disorders like Irregular/Painful Periods, PMS, PCODS, Menopause, Thyroid, Leucorrhoea (White Discharge), etc.

Stress Management
Stress comes in all forms and affects people of all ages in all walks of life. Scientific studies have shown that psychological stress may worsen the symptoms of almost every known medical condition. We have introduced a unique concept to deal with stress via our sessions, and it includes:
- Learning simple techniques to effectively reduce stress in the middle of any challenging situation.
- A better understanding of own thoughts, feelings, and responsibilities
- Enhanced relationships, balancing professional and personal life
- Knowledge of Stress Management Strategies that helps to easily handle the daily stressors, subtle body aches, chronic illnesses, obesity, frustrations, etc.
Smile Meditation
Meditation helps you to connect with your innate healing power ensuring a vibrantly healthy life. It helps us to live in harmony with ourselves. Our sessions include:
- Teaching simple movements to bring about a perfect inner energy balance for managing our anxiety levels, tensions, weight issues, midlife crisis, health issues, etc.
- Focusing on building concentration, boosting productivity, and supporting a healthy mind
- Rejuvenating techniques specific to the modern working environment to unleash stress anywhere, everywhere.

Smile Taiji
Smile Taiji is a form of dynamic meditation. Smile Taiji seeks to restore calm and equilibrium of the mind, body, and our energy within, through smooth subtle movements incorporated with breath. The flowing movements gradually develop and strengthen the whole body by stimulating and releasing the blocked energy. This relaxes our body followed by our mind, thus reducing stress and consequently illnesses.
Smile Taiji movements activate the spiral energy system of the body normalizing the metabolic processes, blood circulation, nervous conductivity, immune system as well as endocrine hormonal secretions. It also conditions our ligaments, muscles and loosens the stiffness of our joints.
Holistic Counseling Sessions
Integrative Transformational sessions help harmonize the treasures of life and assist you in your journey of self-discovery for a better, healthier life and striving for completeness. Our counseling sessions focus on:
- Learning to love and respect oneself, thus developing a beautiful relationship with oneself that helps in living a healthy and blissful life
- Understanding the role of self-healing power and learning to implement it
- Understanding the roles of love, commitments, trust, forgiveness, acceptance in one’s life
- Helping one heal relationships, because every relationship plays an important role in our lives
- Resolving past traumas, guilt, loss along with agony, phobias, insecurities, anxieties, fear, and other negative emotions

Children’s Workshop
Childhood is the most important and formative part, for it is the bedrock of the development of our life. Today the children are under tremendous pressure in terms of peer competition at schools. Our Children’s workshops, therefore, focus on the holistic development of children in the early stages of their childhood, designed for:
- Early education to healthy lifestyle & healthy eating habits to be fit and prevent weight issues
- Issues regarding the emotional & physical development
- Increased concentration level and interest in studies
- Boost self-confidence, teamwork, accountability, problem-solving, and self-worth.
- Handle peer pressure and gadget addiction
Youth Empowerment
Youth is the freshness of the deep springs of life full of hope, cheer, courage, beauty, and power. We think of teenagers as an easy, carefree phase of life but they do have problems adjusting to the constant changes in their life.
Our customized workshops include counseling designed specially to help increase awareness for:
- Healthy lifestyle & eating habits
- Issues regarding the emotional & physical development
- Increase concentration levels and interest in studies
- Boost self-confidence and energy
- Handle peer pressure and media influence
- Effects of addiction to smoking and drinking
- A healthy relationship with parents, friends, and teachers

Workshop for Teachers
The role of the teacher involves not only teaching specific content but also mentoring the students, thus playing a very crucial role in laying the foundation of society overall. To help teachers in playing all the roles to perfection, we conduct workshops to help them stay stress-free, healthy, confident, positive, and blissfully happy.
We have designed a program keeping in mind the different needs of the teachers, focusing equally on both the profession and personal life. We help them understand and prevent burnout and in honing their leadership skills.